Combating Anti-Asian Violence

Our services


The Alliance seeks to assign a litigation partner for every Asian American victim of anti-Asian violence or threats of violence. 

Victims are referred to participating Alliance law firms based on the following criteria:

  • Nearest geographic location

  • Language and cultural affinity of lawyers with victims

  • Expertise of lawyers matched to the kinds of key services required.    

Lawyers will help the victims liaise with governmental agencies. They include:

  • Local (and if appropriate, federal) law enforcement agencies such as police departments and prosecuting offices to ensure the just prosecution of anti-Asian hate crimes.

  • Human rights commission and other civil remedial agencies.

Lawyers will assist victims with exploring avenues for pursuing relief through civil law suits where appropriate.

Lawyers will assist the victims navigate the social services systems including:

  • Housing

  • Victim financial assistance

  • Immigration representation

  • Employment advice

  • Counseling and other mental health resources

The Alliance and its member firms can participate in broader educational initiatives, including:

  • Participating in programs created by local community groups to educate immigrant communities on victim rights and options for seeking relief through the civil and criminal justice system. 

  • Participating in programs to bridge racial and cultural gaps.

Contact us

If you are a victim of anti-Asian violence, please reach out to The Alliance through our Community Partners below or contact us through our Contact form.